Retiring abroad
Our secure online registration is free, quick and easy and places you under no obligation. Registration only takes about 3 minutes.
Our goal is to ensure that you maximise the amount of currency that goes or comes back with you.
Whether you are emigrating, immigrating, or simply moving abroad, exchange control and currency requirements can be notoriously onerous – which is why our clients seeking peace of mind, come to Currency Partners for expert assistance with this specialised process.
Emigration allowances are currently set at R20 million per family unit and our specialist expert team can advise and assist with the formal emigration process, as well as the related exchange control requirements.
Currency Partners will navigate the red tape for you, while our Personal FX Dealers are equipped to monitor exchange rates, manage currency fluctuations and assist you in timing your transfer so that you not only benefit personally, but financially too.
How It Works
Complete our secure online Personal registration. It’s free, only takes about 3-5 minutes to complete and places you under no obligation afterward.
Receive your pre-completed Personal Application, sign online or email signed copies back to us together with your personal FICA/KYC documents.
Receive your individual Personal Settlement Account details to fund a purchase of currency.
Contact your Personal FX Dealer for live quotes and secure a favourable exchange rate when satisfied.
Receive your Client Trade Confirmation when securing your exchange rate. Once the onward payment of foreign currency to your chosen beneficiary has been completed, you will receive Payment Confirmation.
Register online
Alternatively, contact us by email on or call +44 203 885 3612 and a member of our Private Client FX team will assist you.